Monday, September 3, 2012

Blue Moon

There was a Blue Moon on Thursday night. I think a blue moon is a lunar event that only happens once or twice a year when there is a second full moon in a calendar month. I think. I could be wrong but I am not going to go look it up on the internet because I like this simple idea and I don't care if it is correct or not. I want to think that it is something that will happen occasionally and it will be special and I will note it and be able to take a moment to go take a look and think of my dad.

C and I went up to the roof on Thursday night because we couldn't see the moon from our flat. We laughed and whispered "where is the moon?" like Emily's nephew. And we stared up at the moon and if you looked at it long enough it was blue - the chromatic aberation between the big bright moon and the darkness around it made it look like there was a ring of blue neon encircling the moon. Hence blue moon. Because this aberation only happens with the Blue Moon. Which is a rare, but not impossible event.

This isn't true. But it doesn't matter. Truth is a weird thing. And if your truth is different than mine then neither are really truths are they?